Monday, March 3, 2008


©2008 D.M. Le Bris
Acrylic on wood
4" x 4"
12cm x 12cm



Andrea and Kim said...

Ohhh, Danielle! How sweet is this? I really do like it and am totally amazed how you can get this lovely detail on such a small space. I am not sure my eyes could do it...age, I suppose :) Her face is so dear. Of course, it appears much larger on my computer, so I am not even sure I can imagine how fabulous it appears in reality!

You are full of amazing work, Danielle! I can't wait to see what is next.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for looking at my miniatures and leaving a comment.
I haven't posted for a while.
I have been busy painting my daily work.
I love this piece too...
I enjoy creating these 2" x 2" - I think of them as little jewels. :)


Andrea and Kim said...

You are right, Danielle...they are like little jewels!

I love to visit your sites, Danielle. You always have something very special to share.

Keep painting...I am always eager to see what you are working on!

Unknown said...

Danielle:) So happy to hear from you! And you must be really busy with the show coming up! I am in the same "spot" as I have a show in Germany with vernissage le 11 novembre, and oh my, so I can really understand you, anyway it's great so great to hear from you